25 Nisan 2016 Pazartesi

#3 Daredevil Season 1 Review

Greetings, love, and respect to you, my friends. I’ve decided to review another series, but this time we’ll be doing it season by season instead of episode by episode. In this review, I'm going to discuss Marvel and Netflix’s new hit: Daredevil.

Let’s take a look at the plot:

Matt Murdock, a successful lawyer, loses his sight as a child after a radioactive substance splashes into his eyes during an accident. In exchange for his loss of vision, his other senses are heightened, and Murdock constantly pushes himself both mentally and physically.

With his hearing becoming remarkably acute, Murdock uses his ears like a radar to visualize everything around him. Coupled with exceptional combat skills, Matt Murdock becomes someone you definitely wouldn’t want to cross paths with as a criminal.

Hell’s Kitchen, where he grew up, has seen crime rates skyrocket. After his father was killed by mafia leader Kingpin when he was young, Murdock chose to fight crime as a lawyer. However, he soon realizes that the justice system is insufficient against the mafia. Murdock takes it upon himself to bring justice to Hell’s Kitchen, which has become a playground for gangs and criminals.

Matt Murdock, now an expert fighter, becomes a lawyer by day, fighting crime through the legal system, and Daredevil by night, battling injustice with his own methods.

Now, let's take a look at the cast:

Charlie Cox, whom many of us know from Stardust, fits the role of Daredevil so well that I can’t imagine anyone else playing the character—it would feel totally wrong. He’s excellent in the role.
Deborah Ann Woll, whom True Blood fans may recognize, portrays a character who constantly finds herself in trouble but is driven and determined once she starts an investigation, refusing to give up until it’s resolved. Her performance is admirable.
Elden Henson, known for his role in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 and 2, plays Murdock’s closest ally. We’ve lost count of how many times he’s saved Daredevil’s life, although it hasn’t been without its complications. Their relationship definitely experiences some bumps.
Vincent D'Onofrio, who we recently saw in Jurassic World, is phenomenal as the villain. He bears a striking resemblance to the exaggerated portrayal of Wilson Fisk from the comics (we all know how over-the-top comic book characters can be). He fits the role perfectly.
Ayelet Zurer, who played Lara-El in Man of Steel (Superman’s real mother), portrays Wilson Fisk’s delicate love interest in Daredevil. Although her character starts out hesitant, their relationship develops into something beautiful and artistic later on. Watching them together, you can’t help but wonder why we don’t experience the same kind of love in real life!

Let’s move on to the review: 

For this season, there’s not much to criticize, though I must admit there are some slow parts. If you’re someone who expects constant action, you might find these moments boring. The show is set in a place called Hell’s Kitchen, located in New York City. But this isn’t the colorful New York you might imagine—it’s more like the city’s dark side. The atmosphere is heavy, but not too heavy (it’s not like Batman v. Superman, for example). There are even some moments that make you laugh.
Matt, poor guy, ends up battered and beaten by the end of almost every episode. You really feel for him. He has no special powers, no rapid healing abilities, but he’s dedicated to his cause. You have to admire him.
We finally see his red costume in the season finale, but it’s not fully red—it’s not the bright, fiery red costume from the comics. And that’s a good thing, because that kind of costume would have clashed with the show’s atmosphere. It would’ve ruined the vibe.
Now, we can’t help but acknowledge Wilson Fisk’s habit of making his lady an omelette every morning. It’s sweet, but why just omelettes? Come on, man, make something else, or at least order something different! Why are you living like a college student? Dude, you know there’s something called the internet where you can look up recipes, right? Just saying.
The fight scenes are incredibly well-done and realistic. All the fights are evenly matched, and just because Matt is the main character doesn’t mean he gets special treatment. He gets his face bashed in, he gets stabbed—it’s raw, and that’s probably one of the show’s biggest draws.

With the second season already airing, it doesn’t seem like it will take long for the show to be renewed for a third season. After the disappointment of the 2003 film, it looks like Marvel is going to milk this series for all it’s worth.
We absolutely loved it. Watch it, and recommend it to others. See you in the review for Season 2.

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#23 Catch Me If You Can Review

Greetings, respect, and love to you all, my friends. In this piece, I’ll be reviewing the movie Catch Me If You Can, which brings together great actors like Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks.

Let’s take a look at the plot:

This is the real-life story of the youngest con artist ever to make it onto the FBI’s “Most Wanted” list. Before turning 18, Frank Abagnale Jr. had already posed as a doctor, a lawyer, and a co-pilot for a major airline. A master of disguise, Abagnale was also an incredibly smart con artist. He started committing check fraud at the age of 16 and continued his scheme across 26 countries, swindling millions of dollars. He also pulled off the most successful bank fraud in U.S. history.

Let’s talk about the actors:

Leonardo DiCaprio, he should’ve been given an Oscar for this role way back then. I don’t think the movie would’ve been as impactful if someone else had played the part.
Tom Hanks, let me underline this, he is my favorite actor. Seeing him in this movie, especially alongside Leo, made me very happy. What a great team!

Christopher Walken, he’s probably the most "put upon" character in the film. But his calmness in the face of everything doesn’t fail to captivate us. Truly, a stand-up guy.
Amy Adams, back then, she was the young and beautiful nurse, and now she’s Lois Lane. Without a doubt, she plays the most innocent character in the movie. Whenever I see her, I can’t help but think of the Veli Toplantısı audio clip—those who know, know!
Martin Sheen, the Uncle Ben who has to die in every Spider-Man movie. It was nice to see him in this film, too. For a moment, I thought he was going to give Frank a real scare, but then he took us by surprise.
The rest of the cast also fits seamlessly into the film. They all did a great job.

Now, onto the review: 

Honestly, there isn’t much to criticize about this movie. Although, I must admit, some parts can feel a bit slow. But this is a common trait in Steven Spielberg’s films—just when you start feeling bored, the movie picks up and gets lively again.
The most frustrating part of the movie is Frank William Abagnale (played by Christopher Walken)’s extreme calmness. He’s too calm for his own good, incredibly positive. First, the IRS gets on his case, causing him to sell his house. Then, they rent out parts of their new home. After that, his wife leaves him and marries the president of the club he’s a member of. Later, he opens a grocery store, and that goes under too. Man, show a little emotion! We’re over here losing our minds, and you’re just chill.
Aside from that, Leo’s ability to jump from one scheme to the next was really impressive. The way he reads or sees something and then uses it when necessary shows just how smart he is. The guy swindled $4 million by the time he was 18. And in the end, he turns himself in anyway.

With its stellar cast, everyone playing their roles perfectly, and the smooth flow of the plot, Catch Me If You Can is definitely a movie you can watch over and over again.

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21 Nisan 2016 Perşembe

#22 Batman Superman'e Karşı: Adaletin Şafağı (Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice)

Herkese iyifilm bloğundan merhaba arkadaşlar. Bu bölümde inceleyeceğimiz film geçen yılın ortalarından itibaren her yerde reklamı yapılan fakat çıkışından sonra pek de bekleneni veremeyin bir yapım. Nedir o yapım? "Batman Superman'e Karşı: Adaletin Şafağı"

Konusuna biz göz atalım:
Man of Steel'daki büyük mücadelenin ardından Metropolis tam bir enkaza dönmüştür. Bu yeni dünya düzeninde Superman de tartışılan bir figür haline gelmiştir. Bazıları için hala umudun simgesi olan kahraman, sayısı giderek artan bir kesim tarafından ise dünyanın varlığına en büyük tehdit olarak görülmektedir. Bruce Wayne de Superman'i zararlı bulanlardandır ve onun verdiği zararları düzeltebilmek için Gotham'da Metropolis'e gelir. İlk andan itibaren birbirinden hoşlanmayan ikili arasındaki mücadele amansız olur, ancak Lex Luthor'un yarattığı Doomsday bütün Metropolis için en büyük düşman haline gelince, Wonder Woman'ın da yardımıyla onu alt etmek için güçlerini birleştirirler. 

Oyunculara göz atalım:
Henry Cavill, kendisini ilk Superman filminden de tanıyoruz. Belki de DC tarihindeki en iyi Superman. Fakat bu filmde o kadar basık kalmış ki insan yadırgıyor.
Ben Affleck, kendisi çizgi romanlardaki Batman'a her ne kadar daha yakın olsa da Nolan'ın Batman'inin yanına bile yaklaşamaz. 
Jesse Eisenberg, Lex Luthor karakterine yakışmış. Şahsen ben beğendim. Tabii ki Lex Luthor'un küçükken kel kaldığı detayını atlamışlar.
Gal Gadot, herhalde filmde Superman'dan sonra en iyi oturan karakter Gal Gadot'tur. Tam bir Wonder Women olmuş. 
Diğer oyuncuları da Man of Steel'dan biliyoruz zaten. Amy Adams(Lois Lane), Laurance Fishburne(Perry White), Diane Lane(Martha Kent) gibi gibi.

Gelelim incelememize:
1- Filmden baştan falso zaten. Kim Superman'a kafa tutmaya cüret eder ki diyoruz. Ancak "He's Batman" demekten de kendimizi alıkoyamıyoruz.
2- Filmin geneli basık ve sıkıcı geçiyoruz. Normalde sinemada uykum gelmez. Ancak bu filmde bir ara kestirsem mi acaba diye düşünmeden edemedim.
3- Superman'in o kadar kas gücü olmasına rağmen beyin gücünden mahrum kaldığını anlamış olduk. Lan adam sana kriptonit gazı fırlatıyor, gücünü kesiyor. Hadi ilkini farketmedin yedin. Ya ikinci? Sende süper insan hızı yok mu olum? Bu ne mallık? Tut geri fırlat. Girsin Batman'a. Tabii ki girmez. Çünkü "He's Batman"
4- Zaten Batman ile Superman'in filmin bir yerinde kapışacağını biliyorduk. Tabii ki bunun bu kadar kötü olmasını da beklemiyorduk. Batman filmin başından beri düelloya davet ediyor Superman'i. Tam öldürecekken Superman diyor ki "Martha'yı kurtar". Batman'da diyor ki(hani anasının adı da Martha ya.) "Ne dedin sen?" sonra da diyor ki "Neden böyle bir şey söyledin?" Sonra Lois geliyor ve diyor ki "Çünkü Martha onun garip anası, yiğit anası, çilekeş anası." Batman'da diyor ki "ha tamam o zaman, niye baştan söylemiyorsun? Hadi arkadaş olalım." Superman'da diyor ki "taam o zaman ben gidip Lex'i durdurayım, sen de git anamı kurtar." ve gidiyorlar.
5- Harabe şehrin ortasına koskocaman uzay gemisi düşmüş. Kimse de demiyor ki bir inceleyelim. Nerede CIA, nerede NSA, nerede NASA? Nerede bu devlet?! Vermişler Lex denen veletin eline. Demişler ki "Al oyna." Hadi onları  geçtim. Superman neden merak etmiyor? Olum sen uzaylısın, o da uzay gemisi. Gir bi içine bak. Nasıl çalışır, ne yapılır? Bu kadar moronluk olmaz. IQ'su 75 falan diyeceğim Forrest Gump'a hakaret olacak.
6- DC'nin kasvetli bir havası var. EVET. Bu da onu Marvel filmlerinden ayıran önemli bir etken. Ancak bu filmin geneli karanlık. Başta biraz tadımlık güneş gördük. Sonrası full karanlık. Karanlık olduğu için en ufak bir patlama insan gözünü yorabiliyor.
7- Wonder Woman, ordan oraya kaçarken bir bakıyor ki Doomsday denen bir yaratık şehri dağıtıyor. Diyor ki hemen yardıma gitmeliyim. E ne değişti? Batman ve Superman denen iki sığır kapışırken neredeydin? Ya da Kriptonlu istilası olduğu zaman? Herneyse kendisini görmek güzel fakat bu kadar az ve dayak yerken görmek de kötü yani.
8- Superman'in öldüğünü söylememe gerek yok heralde. En saçması da bu. Lan olum sen Kriptonitten etkilenmiyor musun? Etkileniyorsun. Daha neyin artistliğini yapıyorsun? Ver Wonder Woman'a. Sen onu oyalarken o da tersten saplasın Doomsday'a. Ne de olsa o da uçup kaçabiliyor ki kadın ölümsüz. Diyorum ya tam bir moron.
9- Gelen geçen Metropolis'e saldırıyor. Yeni filmlerde düz bir arazi olarak göreceğiz galiba.
10- O Alfred nedir arkadaş. Biz Alfred'i "Möstö Weyn" derken sevdik. Bu adam bildiğin Oracle.(Oracle Batman'in en büyük yardımcısı. Batman bütün bilgileri ondan alıyor.)
11- Aquaman filmde 30 saniye, Flash 10 saniye gözüküyor. Lan madem "Adaletin Şafağı" gelip iki numara da onlar göstersin. Ha birer numara gösteriyorlar. Tabi onları da Batman videodan izliyor. 

Bu kadar güzel kadrodan ve fikirden ancak bu kadar kötü bir film ortaya çıkardı. Yani yönetmen her şeyden biraz ilave edeyim derken filmi koparmış. Çok fazla kopukluk vardı.

Oyuncular 10/7, Oyunculuk 10/6, Konu 10/5, Genel 10/4.5
Bu film hem DC filmleri hem de fantastik-aksiyon filmleri arasında-bazı arkadaşlar katılmayacak ama ben istediğimi alamadım- KÖTÜ FİLMdir.
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