30 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi

#2 The Wolverine

Herkese iyifilm bloğundan merhaba arkadaşlar. İkinci filmimizle karşınızdayım. Bugünkü kurbanımız Wolverine serisinin 2. filmi olan "The Wolverine" filmi.

Konusuna bakalım önce:
Logan, Jean'in ölümünden sonra kendisini insanlardan soyutlar ve hiçbir insana zarar vermeyeceğine dair kendisine söz verir. Bir bar kavgası yaşanacakken onu bulan Yuriko, Ustasının ölüm döşeğinde olduğunu ve ona veda etmek istediğini söyler ve onu Tokyo'ya götürür. Ve olaylar gelişir.

Oyunculara bakalım biraz da:
Hugh Jackman'ın Wolverine'nine hepimiz alıştık zaten. Artık herkes Wolverine duyunca aklına Hugh Jackman geliyor. Daha fazla anlatmaya gerek yok.
Filmde normal Marvel evreninde olmayan oyuncular var. Famke Janssen dışında. Kendisini Jean Grey rolüyle tanıyoruz ama filmde sadece hayal olarak var.
Gelelim İncelememize:
1- Logan'ın Japonya'da ne işi var. Yav sen Wolverine'sin. Git bir bara iç puronu, iç içkini. Senin ne işin var taa Tokyo'da.
2-Wolverine'nin ilk filmi 1970-80'ler arasında geçiyordu ve filmin sonunda Wolverine Reyiz kafaya adamantiyumdan yapılma kurşunu yiyince hafızayı kaybediyordu. Peki İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nda kurtardığı adamı nereden, nasıl hatırlıyor?
3- Sonuç olarak mutant genleri bütün hücrelerde olan bir şey. Peki bu yılan kadınımız Wolverine'in kalbine o böcüğü gönderince nasıl yenilenme yeteneğini bastırdı.
4- Hücresel düzeyde olan iyileşme yeteneğini Yashida dedemiz nasıl çekti ve ilginç tarafı nasıl gençleşti. Bunun bir ayarımı var? Varsa da Logan neden kullanmıyor? 
5- Daha ilginç tarafı vücudundaki adamantiyumu çekince Wolverine Reyizin iyileşme yeteneği Yashida dedeye geçmeye başladı. Yav arkadaş bu adam doğuştan mutant değil mi? Adamantiyum'dan öncede iyileşme yeteneği yok muydu? Sen nasıl adamantiyumdan iyileşme yeteneğini çektin.
6- Wolverine Reyiz her gittiği yerde bir kadında iz bırakmasa olmuyor. Çok sakin görünse de her an sevişmeye hazır bir mutant kendisi.
7- Saatte 300-400 kilometre hızla giden trenin üzerinde istedikleri gibi hareket etmeleri de garibime gitmedi değil. Biz 100'le giderken elimizi arabanın camından çıkaramıyoruz adamlar o trenin tepesinde kapışıyorlar.

Oyuncular 10/7, Oyunculuklar 10/7, Konu 10/5, Genel 10/6

Marvel'in o kadar iyi filmi arasında KÖTÜ, ama bilim-kurgu, fantastik filmlere göre İYİ FİLMdir. 
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29 Kasım 2015 Pazar

#1 Forrest Gump Review

Greetings, respect, and love, dear friends. As someone who loves watching and reviewing movies, I thought, why not start a blog? I could have started something else, but I prefer expressing myself through writing.

In this blog, I will not hold back from honestly criticizing the films. If it’s good, I’ll say it’s good; if it’s bad, I’ll say it’s bad.
This way, you’ll have an idea (especially for those you haven’t watched yet), and we’ll all have fun.

Without further ado, let’s move on to our first movie:
Our first movie is Forrest Gump, which won 6 Oscars. First of all, let me say that Forrest Gump is my all-time favorite movie.

Let’s touch on the plot a bit:

Forrest is a man with an IQ of 75. While this has been a challenge for him since childhood, he never loses the happiness and hope within him. With that hope and happiness, many adventures await him and many things will happen along the way.

Let’s move on to the cast:

Tom Hanks is an actor I admire a lot. I liked him even before watching this film, but after watching Forrest Gump, I ended up liking him even more. First of all, he fits the role perfectly. Initially, they had considered John Travolta for the role, but when he declined, they offered it to Tom Hanks. (Now, if John Travolta had taken the role, would the movie have been this good? I don’t think so!)
Tom Hanks had already won an Oscar before this movie, which shows how great an actor he is. (See Philadelphia.) With his performance, he portrays Forrest in an extraordinary way.

Robin Wright, I didn’t know Robin Wright until I watched this movie. In fact, this is probably the only film of hers I’ve seen. We also know her from the House of Cards series. In 1994, she was quite the beauty, though now she’s 49. She fits perfectly into the role of Jenny Curran. Robin Wright successfully reflects the craziness of that era through her character. Many people might dislike her because of this role, but after all, it’s just a role, right?
Sally Field, whom we also know from The Amazing Spider-Man, plays Forrest’s mother, and she makes an incredible mother. She never loses hope in Forrest, even when everyone else does, and she supports him in everything. Those who have seen the movie will know how important her role is in Forrest’s journey.
Gary Sinise is another actor who does justice to his role. We feel sorry for his character throughout most of the film, but toward the end, he manages to bring a smile to our faces. We start seeing him around the middle of the movie, and he becomes an important part of Forrest’s adventure.
And of course, we can't forget Mykelti Williamson. Perhaps the scenes I laughed at the most were his. He’s one of the key contributors to Forrest’s rise.

Now for the review: 

Honestly, there isn’t much to criticize. The Oscars it won already prove that.
However, the concept of luck plays a very big role in this film. It seems like everything Forrest touches turns to gold, or while others struggle, he somehow rises. Despite losing his mother, Jenny, and Bubba, by the end of the film, we can see how wealthy he’s become.
The film conveys the theme that love is innocent. No matter how many times Jenny leaves Forrest, no matter what kind of trouble she gets into, Forrest never gives up on her. And on top of that, they even get married.
You can’t help but ask yourself, “If a man with an IQ of 75 can accomplish all this, why can’t I?” But then that feeling fades, and you return to your normal life.

Although luck is a major factor in the film, even though Lieutenant Dan loses hope and curses God (but later finds his way), and even though we keep saying, “Come on, Forrest, leave Jenny—there are plenty of women out there for you,” they still end up getting married.

Watch this movie and make sure everyone else watches it too!

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